Complaints Handling at Ardent
Ardent Credit Services Limited takes all customer complaints seriously. We aim to make it right if things go wrong. Our complaints procedure is set to ensure that any complaint is dealt with promptly, efficiently and courteously; is treated confidentially and reviewed fairly; we will do our best to resolve any issues immediately, but where we can’t, we will keep you informed of the progress and outcome of your complaint.
How to raise a complaint
- Telephone: 0151 545 1500
- Website: Using the complaint form
- Email: complaints@ardentcredit.co.uk
- Post: The Complaints Officer, Ardent Credit Services Ltd t/a Debt & Revenue Services, 1st Floor, Moorgate Point, Moorgate Road, Liverpool L33 7XW
On receipt of your complaint
We will make every effort to resolve it as soon as possible but if we need more time, we will keep you updated within the following timescales:
- Within 5 days - Acknowledge receipt of your complaint
- Within 28 days - Investigate your complaint and provide you with a final response where possible. If it is not possible to resolve the complaint within 28 days you will be informed.
- Within 56 days – In the unlikely event that your complaint has not been resolved at an earlier date, you will receive a final response letter. This will include an explanation of how to escalate your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (for Consumer Credit complaints) or to the Credit Services Association (for other complaints). We have provided their contact details below.
Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS):
- By post: Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR
- Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk
- Telephone: 0800 023 4567
- Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Credit Services Association (CSA):
- By post: 2 Esh Plaza, Sir Bobby Robson Way, Great Park, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, NE13 9DP
- Website: www.csa-uk.com/page/complaints
- Telephone: 0191 217 0775
- Email: info@csa-uk.com