Other Ways To Pay
You must quote our reference on all payments. If you fail to do so we may not be able to allocate your payment which may result in unnecessary action being taken.

By Internet Banking
If you are paying in full or taking advantage of a settlement offer, please make payment to: Sort code - 402908Account Number 12640422

By Standing Order
You can set up a standing order via internet banking or telephone banking. Sort code - 402908Account Number 12640422

Pay by Post
You can send a cheque or postal order to: Debt & Revenue Services, Moorgate Point, Moorgate Road, Liverpool, L33 7XWIf you choose to pay by one of these methods please complete the Form below. Alternatively, if you wish to discuss your account with us, please Send us a message or call the number on our communication. We are here to help.
Please take time to fill the form with the correct data as these are necessary for replying to you.
Please note all fields are required.